Situation Normal – All Fucked Up?
Stop living in the Suck. Come home.
Therapy in Plano, Texas
Pop Quiz, Assholes
Which Marine won the last war?
Yeah, I see that look on your face. (I’m watching you through the screen. I know it’s creepy. Just roll with it.) You’re thinking, “Um, it wasn’t just one…”
YEP. BINGO. EXACTLY. No one person wins a war. So, what in the name of Gunny Hathcock makes you think you can win the war in your head on your own? YOU NEED HELP. But you have to be willing to ACCEPT IT.
Get off your ass, pick up the phone, and CALL ME. (214) 892-2158
Do I really need therapy? I mean, I handle my own shit.
Yes. Yes, you do. I know you’ve tried to do it on your own, but let’s get real. Johnny Walker isn’t a good therapist.
You can’t see what to do, where to go, or how to get there. You’ve got a pretty little picture in your head of how things used to be, and you want it back – but you know there’s no way in hell… You’re not strong enough. You can’t do this.
But WE can. We can do this. You don’t GET to do this on your own. You’ll fail. You already know what that feels like. Let’s just set that shit down and leave it somewhere not in your head. So, get off your ass, pick up the phone, and CALL ME. (214) 892-2158
Why Bearings?
You need someone who understands who you are, what you’re made of, what you’re capable of, even when you’ve forgotten.
You need someone to help you get back in the fight.
You’ll develop coping mechanisms that are actually good for you. Your family will learn how to cope, too.
You’ll live a life aligned with what you value most. You’ll build a family that is mutually supportive.
suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
~General Douglas MacArthur

A Vet for a Vet
I’ve lived the life as an active-duty Marine; a retired, disabled vet; and a military spouse with a kid. I get it. I’ve seen firsthand the damage this life can do to you and your family.
I’ve been where you are. I was medically retired, depressed, self-isolated, down at the bottom of a hole.
I got therapy – and got a mission: Get other vets out of the hole. I realized the real strength of a warrior isn’t anything the military gives you – it’s your family.
And that’s what you want more than anything.
I can help you. CALL ME. (214) 892-2158