You’re not connecting with your partner the way you used to.
There’s distance even when they’re right there in front of you.
You feel taken for granted and overwhelmed. Little things that shouldn’t even matter explode into conflicts.
Everyone is hurting, and no one knows how to fix it.
This is your person, the one you’ve chosen, and the one who’s chosen you. You want to share everything, be open and honest. But that’s a scary proposition. You know yourself and what you’re concealing.
You know the parts of yourself you don’t like very much. What would happen if you were to show that to the one who matters most?
They’ll think the same and run for the hills, right? Couples therapy will help you build intimacy and trust in a way you’ve never known before.
How does it work?
I interview you both, together and separately, to get an idea of what your problem areas are, what your strengths are, where you align with each other, and where you differ. It is the right process for Couples therapy.
Along the way, you learn essential communications skills, including how to ask for what you need, when you need it, how to de-escalate an argument, and how to check in with each other.
I work toward establishing, or re-establishing, your identity as a couple, building a foundation for intimacy.
Build the relationship you’ve always wanted.
You’ll be able to tell your partner when you’re too tired for sex and not have them feel rejected or judgmental.
You’ll be able to hand them a proverbial knife, show them your belly, and know that they won’t gut you like a fish.
It is the closest you’ll ever be to another soul.
Why keep going through the motions?
In a free phone consultation, I’ll get a clearer picture of what your needs are and help you make an informed decision about what to do next.
Bearings. Get yours. Call now. (214) 892-2158