Dissociative Identity Disorder

What does dissociation look like?
Depersonalization is being disconnected from yourself or your body, like parts of you aren’t real, disappear, change, feel numb, or much smaller than they are. You might’ve had “out of body” experiences like you’re above or behind your body.
Derealization is the sense that the world isn’t real or is being changed somehow like it looks fake, 2D, or far away. Maybe you feel like you’re watching yourself in a movie or on stage in a play. Maybe sounds are distorted.

Dissociative Disturbances of Movement & Sensation
Sometimes trauma-related dissociation causes physical symptoms which can’t be explained by physical disease or disorder. You can lose your sight, hearing, or speech after a trauma, lose movement or feeling in a part of your body or lose skillsets. You can also have movements or impulses in your body that don’t feel like they’re yours, unexplained pain or other sensations, and seizures that aren’t caused by a physical disorder.
And so, we come to the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) portion of our program.
The following are dissociative symptoms that show up in DID.
Dissociative amnesia (DA)
Dissociative amnesia (DA) is the inability to recall important personal information. This involves serious memory problems for major events or parts of your life that go beyond normal forgetfulness. DA is a special term given to amnesia caused by not being able to fully integrate traumatic information, emotions, or memories. You can have memory gaps lasting from minutes to years. You might forget parts or all of a traumatic event, forget things that remind you of trauma, have a foggy memory of a trauma, or have a feeling like it “didn’t happen to you.”
Identity Confusion and Identity Alteration
Identity confusion is when you feel confused about “who you really are.” Your beliefs opinions, tastes, and thoughts may change a lot.
Identity alteration is the sense of having a part or parts which feel very different from yourself. There may be a sense that some feelings, behaviors, and memories do not belong to you. These may feel like they come from someone else.
So what is DID?
(214) 892- 2158.